As the Covid19 pandemic continues to spread around the world, our co-workers and ministry partners across the Asia-Pacific region and Africa continue to faithfully minister and reach out to their communities – but they urgently need our help!
While we are able to enjoy relative freedom here in NZ from the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the countries that we operate in are experiencing major challenges through further restrictions and lockdowns – especially with the upsurge of cases through the Delta variant.
Many borders are closed and so we are unable to send workers or teams from New Zealand or other offices to encourage and serve alongside our national leaders and ministry partners.
Most of our Schools, Bible Schools and Training Centres have been unable to open fully or operate for over a year because of lockdown restrictions, and many of our workers are either not able – or need special permits – to move between islands or regions within their own countries.
With so much of our ministry among rural and isolated people-groups, and with mobile/internet access often beyond reach, online teaching and training is very difficult – so we must find other ways to distribute and deliver training resources.
As an International organisation focused on intentional discipleship we’ve long recognised the importance and value of supporting our national leaders and co-workers are also deeply passionate about reaching out to their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our MVIndia office directors and their teams are providing essential relief for ‘Covid-orphans’ and remote communities that are often overlooked during food distribution efforts.
Our MVThailand directors are equipping and sending teams with food and relief to Myanmarese refugees fleeing the military bombardment on their villages.

In the Philippines, our Field Coordinators in Cebu and on Mindoro and Mindanao islands are mobilising teams of pastors and church members to minister to families who have been impacted not only by Covid19, but also through volcano eruptions, earthquakes and major flooding.
We could go on, but you get the picture … and we’ll be adding more stories like these to our website and social media channels over coming weeks.
Sadly, many of our national leaders and ministry partners are struggling through loss of income support. With so many local people losing work and businesses collapsing, their local supporters are no longer able to give.
Our relationship with each of our co-workers is based on long-term relationship, shared vision, mutual respect, financial accountability and the unity we enjoy as brothers and sisters in Christ.

(contact us to discuss monthly support)
Would you prayerfully consider supporting one of our national leaders on a monthly basis?
Just $500 monthly (or 10 monthly donations of $50) will enable one of our national leaders to move from a place of shortage to being able to provide for his or her own essential living needs and transport to reach their church members or community. This in turn releases the leader to equip and mobilise other leaders and teams to minister to communities through feeding programmes, pastoral care, emergency relief assistance and so on.
For us, the key to moving forward in these challenging times, must be on-going intentional discipleship alongside our humanitarian relief efforts. As disciples of Jesus, we are in turn to bear fruit (more disciples!): “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” (John 15:8).
Discipleship has always been core to our ministry since it was founded in 1983, so we are blessed to see those who have been discipled over past years now bearing fruit as they evangelise, plant churches and disciple emerging leaders.
As you read some of their stories we pray that YOU will be inspired to share the gospel of Jesus wherever He has placed you – and pray that God will empower you by His Holy Spirit to disciple others … who will in turn disciple others … !