Mission Ventures Thailand Foundation
Directors: Supol and Suan Kee Phangtan; Nipon Phangtan
- Church Planting across Thailand
- Discipleship making
- Children’s Shelter & Feeding
- Outreach to Thais living in Malaysia (not yet developed)
- Encouraging and Equipping Church Leaders
Sports ministry - Student sponsorship programs
- Ministry among prostitutes
- Networking and prayer with other churches
- Facilitating mission teams and groups from Malaysia and other countries
The vision of Mission Ventures Thailand is to plant and grow churches across Thailand focusing on places where no church has been planted yet. In the past year God has accelerated their church planting ministry. In recent years 15 churches have been planted in the south, north western and north-eastern Thailand.
Through these churches, they are able to reach out to the communities with the love and salvation of Christ especially to the children who come from broken homes, street children, needy families and the women within the red-light districts.
Most of them have not heard the gospel ever before and there is a great need for ministry and the love of God within those communities.
Their vision is to see many more churches planted across Thailand where only 1.17% of the 71m* population are believers. (*Latest figure)
Stories from Thailand

THAILAND – Shine News May 2022
SHINE NEWS from Mission Ventures Thailand- May 2022 | fb: mission ventures thailand FOCUS on … MV SATUN BAPTIST CHURCH Healing and Salvation for the community

THAILAND – Church planting news
From Supol & Suan Kee – National Leaders, Mission Ventures Thailand Praise God for all the opportunities that MVT had to reach out to the