We recently partnered with Richard Brunton to provide 1,500 copies of the ‘Awesome Power of Blessing’ and ‘The Blessing Effect’ books for our partners in Malawi – Ps Moses Chikuta and Ps Arnold Thomeya.

Here’s the report we just received from Ps Moses …

“Greetings … in the Lord’s name!

How awesome is our Lord Jesus Christ! Malawi is good by His grace!

I am writing to give you some important feedbacks concerning the Blessing Effect book.

I am personally blessed in  special way with this book! It has been my first time to encounter such a message in my life to receive such a blessing and learn how to bless others. 

I’ve received several testimonies too after the receivers went through the book prayerfully. 

Boston Joseph said,

“The Father’s Blessing prayer in The Blessing Effect book has changed a course of my life now for ever! I’ve been declaring such a prayer repeatedly and I feel healed from the wounds I had from the mistreatment my father did to me. This is my great experience of relief from a long time slavery I had been! Praise the Lord! I am blessed!”

Yes, our thanks be unto the Lord God Almighty who used His special vessel, Richard to write such a book for the blessiñg of nations. 

In order to make the books more effective to our people, we have been sharing keys tips of the book to our audiences before distribution – hence their understanding has been achieved easily.

Some books, over 500 copies have been distributed in Nsanje district through Arnold Thomeya and the feedback has the same blessing Effect in lives of people!

I also shared this good news to the whole prison at Dedza Prison. I spent almost three hours with prisoners and the staff going together through key areas of the books to achieve a higher maximum of results. The outcomes had been awesome! 

Please, [here are] some of pictures of people’s reached with this book ministry and saw a new dawn of hope in their locations of life.

However, the demand for the books is increasing daily! I am receiving invitation to ask for meetings in churches study groups for these books to reach them too. If the Lord may still provide more funds, it’s our sincere request for more prints once again!