MYANMAR - 7.7 magnitude earthquake causes widespread destruction

Pray for Myanmar and Thailand  following the 7.7 magnitude quake in Myanmar on Friday.
Please also consider a donation towards relief aid, which will be mobilised as soon as practically possible through our National Leaders in Myanmar and Thailand.

Our Myanmar leader reports,

“Pray for Myanmar! We are safe. But many are suffering. We need the hand of God.

The devastation seems very huge beyond descriptions and media coverage. This is the worst in 186 years.

Unfortunately thousands will be killed, many being trapped under rubbles. The worst is no sufficient rescue workers due to conscription law, many fled to forest for fear of being enlisted to armies forcefully.

The news keeps coming and it does not look good at all.

The epicentre of this earthquake is where Buddhism had its historic sites. Many well known and historic Buddhist shrines were demolished. These regions were known for strict Buddhism in Myanmar.

Because all flights to/from that place is closed, all roads are blocked. All phone lines are down at the moment, internet is barely surviving. In [some places], since January 29, zero electricity a day till this day, due to severe fighting between resistance forces and army. All electric transformers and wires were burned up. Many banks here were not able to operate.

Really so sick to hear! People need the Lord!

Yesterday’s incident was really SAD DAY for Myanmar. We can expect much higher casualties in few days. So sad!

Prayer for Myanmar:

  • Pray for all affected people. Almost all of them are Buddhists. Through these bitter experiences, they may be brought to the light of the gospel.
  • Above all, please pray for the people of Myanmar! Although this tragedy happened yesterday at central Myanmar, still the army is bombing many innocent in different locations on the same day.

At the same time, if there is a way we can help financially, it will be great blessing. We can give a hand of help. ”

Our MV Thailand leaders also invite us to pray …
O God of mercy and power,
I earnestly plead with You for everyone affected by the building collapse in Bangkok. May You have mercy on those who may still be trapped inside—grant them strength, send help to reach them swiftly, and protect the rescue teams as they work to save lives.
May You comfort the families of those who have lost their loved ones and those who are injured. Let them find peace amid their sorrow.
Please grant wisdom to the authorities involved so they may handle this situation in the best possible way.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.