Every year hundreds of leaders are equipped and thousands are reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The exponential impact of mobilizing national leadership to do the work of ministry more quickly and effectively cannot be overstated!
Motorcycles for Leaders
Although motorcycles represent the bulk of our transportation ministry, it is not limited to them alone. We have provided boats, bicycles, ski mobiles and even a camel. Essentially, we will provide whatever is needed to bring the Good News to those who need it.
CMA raises the funds for their partnership with MVI through a program called Run for the Son. This annual fundraiser makes it possible for us to reach the lost by providing ministry workers the tools they need. The process works as ministers in need submit an application which is reviewed and vetted. Once a decision is made the funds are wired to the missionary host to purchase the motorcycle. The impact of these motorcycles is tracked for the period of four years. Each recipient provides an annual report of how it has impacted their community.
Through Run for the Son efforts: 14,605 national pastors, evangelists and church planters have received gifts of transportation in 101 countries.
The efforts of these national Christian leaders result in the following annual impact per bike provided.
We’re always so encouraged to read the reports from our recent recipients, that we’re sharing some of them here, and pray you’ll be encouraged in your own outreach as you read them!
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ the Lord.

Pastor Israel (Philippines) I just want to thank the Lord for using this ministry for partnering pastor’s and churches all over the world in propagating the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
My family and I and also the Messiah Baptist Church here in Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, personally thanking you for your heavenly desires for Filipino pastors.
I really thank God because I am one of the recipient of motorcycle this year. It is very important in our ministry here in Mindoro. I was able to visit regularly some ministries of Messiah Baptist Church, especially the Tribe ministry of our church here in Pinamalayan.
I and the church are committed to take care and use this motorcycle for His purpose, to win more soul to Christ.
Praying that God will continue to bless you more to help every pastor’s in the whole world. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
God bless MVI and CMA. To God be the Glory!

Pastor Carlos (Philippines) By the grace of God, the motorcycle continues to be a blessing in reaching the lost for Christ. Despite the pandemic, the Lord has given opportunities to minister to others through home bible studies where the motorcycle with sidecar is really useful.
It make a great impact in the ministry here in Batangas.
Thank you for your generous support to the ministry here in the Phillipines.
This time of pandemic transportation was the big issue, praise God for the service we have. God bless us all

Pastor H (DR Congo) “I hereby come to share with you the report of the DT/TECHNO motorcycle.
Until today 2000Km already carried out in different evangelization activities, namely ministry in schools, good news clubs and outdoor adolescent training.
The evangelized children are:
880 evangelized in schools. Converted: 35
400 evangelized in good news clubs. Converted: 15
792 evangelized in the open air. Converts: 415
56 participants in the training of adolescents
Receive, dear brothers and sisters our greetings in the Lord.”

Pastor K (Bangladesh) “I would like to show my gratitude … for giving me a Motorcycle which has come to a big help in my ministry work.
My area is a hilly part of Bangladesh where many places are impassable. Sometimes I had to walk a long path to reach destinations.
Sometimes I had to quit in the middle of the journey and come back as the roads were way too difficult after a heavy rain and land sliding. On those time I used to spend nights with some unknown families.
Thus the way I used to bear my testimonies and share the Gospel amongst the non-believers until now.
But Lord has blessed me with a motorcycle through your partnership. Praise the Lord!”

Pastor K (Nepal) “What an unbelievable love gift it is not only to hear but in real life to see, touch, and feel what it really is.
It is so exciting to experience with this implausible gift … The celebration of joy with this lovely gift is one of the milestones to be thankful to you.
Thank you so much … “
I would also like to give thanks to Ps LB and good will wishers, who worked to complete all the processes that made a way …
Overall a big thank you goes to a miracle working God.”