
Ledi and his family are passionate ministers of the Gospel, dedicating their lives to sharing hope and love throughout Surabaya and beyond.
With a heart for reaching the unreached, Ledi has committed his time to planting churches, mentoring young leaders, and expanding God’s Kingdom in Indonesia.
Together with his family, they tirelessly work to build relationships in their community and disciple those seeking to know more about Jesus. Their ministry has extended beyond Surabaya, reaching many islands in Indonesia, where they continue to bring the message of hope, equipping others to share the Good News and make a lasting impact in their communities.
Ledi also has two youtube channels that he uses for Bible teaching and evangelism.
Indonesia is a country made up of over 17,000 islands, filled with beautiful landscapes and diverse cultures. Being home to many different ethnic groups and languages makes it a unique and vibrant place to minister.
Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world and it is also the fourth largest nation in terms of population. However, there are still many areas where the Gospel has never been heard which creates many opportunities to bring hope and share the good news of God’s love and redemption. Even though it is a Muslim country there are very few restrictions concerning evangelism teaching and preaching.
We partner with established, local ministries in many locations across Indonesia, including Surabaya (East Java), Nias, Bali, Lombok, and Sumba islands.
Our key partnerships are with Yayasan Pondok Kasih (House of Love Foundation) in Surabaya, Gerasa Foundation in Bali and the MTS leaders’ Training Centre in West Nias.
Ministries include Church Planting; Children’s Homes; Mobile Schooling; Education Sponsorship; Youth camps; Street Kids Shelters; Pastor Care & Leadership Training; etc
- Community Transformational Development
- Ministering to poor and marginalised communities
- Clean Water (Biosand filter) systems for rural communities
- Leadership Training and Equipping
- Community Visitation
- Mobile Classrooms (‘SmartCars’)
- Outreach
Nias Island
Brother Rasali and his wife Delina are MV Indonesia’s National Leaders on Nias and are working with churches and leaders across the island.
Nias (pop 1m) has a strong Christian heritage due to German missionaries working there in the early 1900s, but the government is now trying to Islamise the population. The churches are asking for help to bring much needed revival to their churches as many have just become very religious with no life. We currently have no restrictions on Nias even working in Government schools. However, we don’t know how long this will last
- Leadership Equipping
- Elementary School ministry
- High school ministry
- Revival meetings
- Teaching and preaching in small rural churches
- Covid Relief
- Teaching in Mission Training Centres
- Small group ministry
- Leadership Training and Equipping
- Community Visitation
- OutreachRevival meetings
- School Elementary and High school ministry
- Teaching in a Training School
- Children’s revival meetings